My name is Musi

My name is Kokorka

понеделник, 8 ноември 2010 г.

Куче практикува йога

Куче практикува йога


Кучето Хритик прави упражнения под зоркото око на треньора си Ранчи. Когато се родило, то било много слабо и собствениците му отделяли много внимание. Преди две години то започнало да имитира господаря си, докато той правел упражнения по йога, като следвало всичките му движения, включително и дишането. Тогава стопанинът му започнал специално да го тренира. Сега двамата правят заедно упражнения всяка сутрин. Освен че играе йога, кучето има и домашни задължения. То е вегетарианец и от всичко най-много обича папая и краставици, а не месо.

Yoga Dogs | for 2010 Calendar

Yoga Dogs 2010 Calendar — This wall calendar gives new meaning to “Downward Facing Dog”. The Yoga Dogs calendar hosts a year full of images showing popular dog breeds positioned in classic yoga postures with the help of digital technology. These reworked dog portraits will bend your mind and delight you. You’ve never seen a Standard Poodle in Tree pose? Or a Golden Retriever really nailing Warrior II? The time is now, young yogi. The time is here to laugh and be inspired. After all, if a Pug can hold Lotus pose, so can you! Nama-Sit. Nama-Stay. Apparently, those canine models were never in distress, the creators of the calendar tried to get the dogs as close as they could with yoga moves and then, they used Photoshop to finish the work. It’s really weird, but it’s funny at the same time…It’s even more weird than the Rock Calendar with dogs!

Photography by Dan Borris - As you may have guessed, these photos are fake, there are few people who can execute these yoga moves and I’m pretty sure no dogs can do them. They’ve been “photoshoped” by Dan Borris, a skilled Photoshop expert from Texas, who was inspired by his wife’s, Alexandra, former yoga teaching career. This funny dog calendar is bound to be a hit amongst dog lovers.

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Историята на Хачико - Предано старо куче очаква завръщането на стопанина си седем години след неговата смърт