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Куче от порода родезийски риджбек роди рекордните 17 малки
Автор:Асошиейтид прес
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Куче от порода родезийски риджбек роди цели 17 малки в Германия. Всички кученца са добре благодарение на активната намеса на собственичката на животното, която неуморно ги храни с биберон, защото майката не можела да се справи сама.
Dog gives birth to 17 puppies
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Рамона Вегеман разказва, че е спала само по няколко минути, тъй като когато приключвала с храненето на последното кученце, първото отново било гладно.
Любимката на Вегеман Етана родила осем женски и девет мъжки кученца на 28 септември в Еберешенхоф, край Берлин. По професия Вегеман е животински психолог.
Семейството планира да продаде повечето малки. Цената им е по 1000 евро, защото са чистокръвни, но едва ще покрие направените разходи за ветеринар, ваксини, храна и държавните такси.
Dog gives birth to 17 puppies
Photo:Nine Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies from a litter of 17 look out of their box Photo:AP
Video:A dog in Germany has given birth to 17 puppies, leaving their owner thrilled but fatigued after having to assist feeding them with a bottle.
Dog gives birth to 17 puppies
December 21,2010
A dog in Germany has given birth to 17 puppies, leaving their owner thrilled but fatigued after having to feed them with a bottle for several weeks because their mot her couldn't cope with the demand.
Owner Ramona Wegemann said she barely slept for more than a couple of minutes without interruption during about four weeks in an "exhausting" struggle to make sure all of the purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies would survive.
She said when she was "finished feeding the last puppy, the first was hungry again".
Wegemann's dog Etana gave birth to eight female and nine male puppies on September 28 in Ebereschenhof, which is near Berlin.
At least five times a day, Wegemann gave the dogs a bottle with special milk because their mother's nipples could never have coped with the demand, and when the puppies were not hungry, they wanted to be entertained, she said.
Wegemann said when dogs give birth to so many puppies several of them die within the first week. "But all of our puppies survived. This is incredible and wonderful," the 32-year-old added.
It was the second time that Etana gave birth. She gave birth to eight puppies in her first pregnancy, not uncommon for the dog's breed, Wegemann said.
"The birth of the puppies was very special. All puppies were born naturally, no caesarean was necessary," she added. It took Etana a full 26 hours to give birth to all of the puppies - and Wegemann was as baffled as amazed.
But caring for 17 puppies turned out to be a full-time job: Wegemann put her work as an independent animal psychiatrist on hold and her husband took as much holiday as he could.
Their lives have been turned upside down by the puppies, and their living room is now occupied by a giant box that houses the puppies.
But even Wegemann still struggles to recognize them: The females puppies are called Bahati, Binta, Bahya, Bashima, Batouuli, Binki, Bora, Bisa and the male ones are Baakir, Banjoku, Belay, Bruk, Bundu, Bayo, Bukekayo, Biton and Bulus.
Wegemann gave them all African names because the Rhodesian Ridgeback is an African hunting dog.
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